Heart - Wellness

How to Respond Effectively to the Corona Crisis by Russ Harris

Useful Apps

SAM - iPhone and Android

ReachOut Worry Time - iPhone and Android

Smiling Mind - iPhone and Android

Focus on the Go - iPhone

The Bear Cards - iPhone

Calm Harm - iPhone and Android
Home - Calm Harm App

Calm Fear - iPhone and Android

Clear Fear - Apps on Google Play
Headspace - iPhone and Android

Headspace: Meditation & Sleep – Apps on Google Play

Anxiety Release - iPhone and Android

YouTube Relaxation Exercise
There is also a large variety of relaxation music on YouTube for free for a relaxation exercise. These are few suggestions but there are plenty to choose from.

3 Hours Relaxing Music
Relaxing Celtic Music for Stress Relief
3 Hours Instrumental Soaking Worship
Two Hours of Worship Piano
Classical Piano Music by Mozart 

Best Social Media Apps for Children
Click here to read an article with links to Apps.

ACT Companion During (COVID-19) this app is free - use “together” as the subscription code.

Student Mental Health Resources


School TV - Message from Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

Black Dog Institute Working from Home: A Checklist to Support Mental Health

Be You - COVID

Life in Mind

Online Mental Health Assessment - Black Dog Institute

AIS Learning From Home

United in Strength

Character Strengths