Primary Communication Notes

Library Book Donation Guidelines:
We consider books as gifts for our customers and aim for the highest quality possible. We welcome donated books in excellent condition! Books should be almost brand new, something someone would be excited to receive and unwrap as a present. Books that are missing pages, discoloured, smelly or have been sitting in storage for years are not suitable. Before you deliver a donation, please carefully consider the condition. Books can be brought in this term and handed to the classroom teacher. We also have the following book donation guidelines: The Footpath Library accepts high-quality books in the following genres: General and children’s fiction; Non-fiction, including dictionaries, simple cookbooks, parenting, and self-help; National Geographic, Australian Geographic, motorcycle and car magazines; New, unused puzzle books – crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches.

Monday -
Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: Library (Week A)
Thursday -
Friday: Sport

Kindy Celebrations Day
Although we planned to complete our Celebrations Day this week, we have postponed it until the start of Week 10. This means there is still time to share photos of your family celebrating the following celebrations: Chinese New Year, Diwali or Hanguel Day. Please email any photos to Miss Pendlebury and feel free to add an explanation of how you celebrate. Thank you to the parents who have already sent photos through- we know students will be so excited to see these photos!
The Learning Pit
As we near the end of the term, it is common to see resilience in children start to dwindle. One thing we often talk about in the classroom is the Learning Pit. This is an idea that in order to grow in our learning we often need to go through a phase of struggle and frustration and that is okay! This might be a helpful concept to explore with your child at home too. We also talk frequently about using stuck strategies when things are tricky. Rather than just relying on the teacher (or parent) to solve the problem, students are encouraged to wrestle with ways they could solve it themselves and try different strategies to get "unstuck".
Mini Athletics Carnival and Cross Country - Friday, 28 June
A reminder that the College is hosting our Mini Athletics Carnival and Cross Country on Friday of Week 9. Parents are encouraged to come along and see their children participate- please see previous communication from the College about timing etc. You may also like to wear your sneakers as we often have a parent race for those parents who are brave! Families also have the option of collecting students at the end of the event, around 1-1:30. This is a wonderful option for those who live a distance away so the afternoon pick-up becomes tricky but also just a lovely opportunity to spend some time with your child after a big and exciting day. We encourage you to take the opportunity to take your child early if you are able.

Year 1
Monday: Sport
Tuesday: Library (Week A)
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday: Sport

Mini Athletics Carnival and Cross Country - Friday, 28 June
A reminder that the College is hosting our Mini Athletics Carnival and Cross Country on Friday of Week 9. Parents are encouraged to come along and see their children participate- please see previous communication from the College about timing etc. You may also like to wear your sneakers as we often have a parent race for those parents who are brave! Families also have the option of collecting students at the end of the event, around 1-1:30. This is a wonderful option for those who live a distance away so the afternoon pick-up becomes tricky but also just a lovely opportunity to spend some time with your child after a big and exciting day. We encourage you to take the opportunity to take your child early if you are able.

Year 2
Monday: Library (Week A)
Tuesday -
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday -
Friday: Sport

End of Term Science Presentation
We would like to invite you into our classrooms on Thursday, 4th July at 2:15 pm to view our students’ homeless shelters created in Science as part of our Project Based Learning Unit.
Thank you for your generosity
Thank you for partnering with us in supporting the Jeremiah Project. Over this term, we have packaged three lots of desserts that have fed 60+ Homeless people throughout Parramatta. As a grade, we raised over $330! We will be donating the rest of this money to the project so they can continue serving God and this community in wonderful ways.
Mini Athletics Carnival and Cross Country - Friday, 28 June
A reminder that the College is hosting our Mini Athletics Carnival and Cross Country on Friday of Week 9. Parents are encouraged to come along and see their children participate- please see previous communication from the College about timing etc. You may also like to wear your sneakers as we often have a parent race for those parents who are brave! Families also have the option of collecting students at the end of the event, around 1-1:30. This is a wonderful option for those who live a distance away so the afternoon pick-up becomes tricky but also just a lovely opportunity to spend some time with your child after a big and exciting day. We encourage you to take the opportunity to take your child early if you are able.

Year 3
Monday -
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday -
Thursday: P.E.
Friday: Sport + Library (Week B)

Year 3 Service Project "Little Wings"
Year 3 are supporting Little Wings charity this year. We are doing two main things to support them; collecting cans for Return and Earn and creating Christmas cards to be printed and given to the children who use the Little Wings services. You can return and donate the money to Little Wings directly from your local machine. Please feel free to send an email to your child's class teacher telling us how much you have donated.

Year 4
Monday: Library (Week B)
Tuesday: 4T Music
Wednesday: P.E. + 4P & 4G Music
Thursday -
Friday: Sport

No notes this week.

Year 5
Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday -
Friday: Library (Week A)

In Science, we have been exploring animals, plants and their interesting adaptations. As part of this exploration, students are now planning, researching and presenting thier findings in various forms including posters and dioramas. Please be speaking with your child about what they are researching and how they are choosing to present their information, as we will be completing a gallery walk in Week 10. All the information can be found in Canvas, in the Science page. However if you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher. We are looking forward to seeing these projects come together.

Year 6
Monday -
Tuesday: Sport
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday: Library (Week B)
Friday -

Graduation Photos
Don't forget to email through ONE baby photo and ONE Kindy photo (does not need to be their school photo, but one of them during the kindy year). Please email your photo to
Children's Hospital Foundation
This year, Year 6 will be learning about the Children's Hospital Foundation and how they work to support sick children and their families. If your student has not had a chance to donate and would like to participate in this project please select a gift from the following link for a gift to be provided to a child in hospital. . Thank you for your generosity and supporting year 6 in growing their compassion for those in need.
Gelato PBL
This term, Year 6 have been learning about the effect of heat on matter. To explore this concept creatively, we challenged students to create the tastiest Gelato using no heat or electric aids. Over the last few weeks, it has been pleasing to see students collaborating to create some truly tasty gelato, from cookies and cream, caramel with gold leaf and raspberry delight.