Primary Communication Notes
As we approach the end of term, please ensure your child has their hat each day. It is also important to send them with water as the weather is warming up. Blazers are no longer required to be worn to school at the moment. We have noticed a few students still in long trousers and stockings on the girls. Please make sure your child is wearing the correct uniform at all times. Summer uniform consists of socks for gils and the boys must now be wearing shorts. A reminder that girls are also not allowed to wear sparkly earrings, only plain studs or a small sleeper style earring.
Monday: P.E.
Tuesday -
Wednesday: Library (Week A)
Thursday -
Friday: Sport
Home Learning
It has been wonderful to see how students are progressing with their reading skills. Please ensure you continue to send Home readers back each week so new ones can be sent home.
Science Immersion Day
Kindergarten will be participating in a Science Immersion Day challenge where they will be making a Marble Run and Fidget spinner. Could all families please send along a small box and any toilet or paper towel rolls you have spare for this project? We appreciate your help with this and look forward to an exciting challenge.
Year 1
Monday: Sport
Tuesday: Library (Week A)
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday: Sport
YEAR 1 | |
No notes this week.
Year 2
Monday: Library (Week A)
Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday: Sport
YEAR 2 | |
Science Resources
Year 2 will be creating their own musical instruments! This is part of their learning about sound energy in Science. To assist them in creating their instruments, we are hoping to collect the following items: empty and clean 600ml water bottles with lids, cardboard rolls from paper towels (no toilet rolls, please), spare beads or buttons, elastic bands, empty and cleaned tins with lids (e.g. milo tins - no sharp edges). If you have any of these items, please send items in with your child.
History Family Outing
We have loved hearing about the family outings to local historical places that have already happened. We would love to continue to encourage families to visit one of these places so students can connect what the location looks like today, compared to what it looked like in the past. These places are; Rouse Hill House and Farm, Bella Vista House and Farm, Battle of Vinegar Hill Memorial, and the Riverstone War Memorial. If you have any questions, please ask our Year 2 teachers.
Year 3
Monday -
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday -
Thursday: P.E.
Friday: Sport + Library (Week B)
YEAR 3 | |
No notes this week.
Year 4
Monday: Library (Week B)
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday -
Thursday: Sport
Friday: Sport
YEAR 4 | |
Week of Thankfulness
Year 4 commemorated Thankfulness Week with a special visit from volunteers at Schofields Rural Fire Service, including Norwest's own Mr Ford. Students were excited to learn more about what RFS volunteers do, how they help our community, why they choose to volunteer and what to do in a fire when firefighters are coming in to help them. Students were excited to present the volunteers with all of our handmade thank you cards. We then had a close up look at the firetruck with its lights flashing and had a turn with the fire hoses.
Sustainability Project
Year 4 students have started an exciting Geography project where they’ll be presenting a proposal to Mrs Marlow with ideas to make Norwest Christian College more sustainable. We would love to have parents join us at 2:15 p.m. on Thursday, 19th September, to see the students' draft work and offer some helpful feedback to support them in their learning journey.
Year 5
Monday -
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday: Sport
Friday: Library (Week A)
YEAR 5 | |
Week of Thankfulness
This week, as part of the College wide Week of Thankfulness, we welcomed two special guests to speak to Year 5 students. They spoke to students about their roles working in the community services sector and in full time church ministry. It was eye opening to hear about the ways people can serve and bless others through their careers and it was a great opportunity for students to show appreciation for the valuable work of others in our community.
Year 6
Monday -
Tuesday: Sport
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday: Library (Week B)
Friday -
YEAR 6 | |
Week of Thankfulness
This week, Year 6 has been considering the concept of "thankfulness starts at home". We have been thinking about people that we interact with every day and what we are thankful for about them. Students will be delivering letters, sending emails and sharing kind words to people they see regularly such as the Lollipop People, parents, past teachers and sports coaches amongst others. We hope that by saying thanks, people can be encouraged in the way they go about their day. Thank you, everyone!
Over the next few weeks, Year 6 students will continue to work on and complete projects in Geography, Science and Art. Students may be asking to bring in cardboard, toilet rolls, printed pictures etc from home to support them in their projects. We have given the responsibility over to the students as this is an expectation in high school. If students need support in any area or you are unsure of what is expected, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher/s.
Home Learning
A lot of students have been becoming quite lax in their completion of Home Learning tasks. Teachers are giving regular reminders of expectations and completion dates at school. Please help to support your child by asking them about their Home Learning and what they need to have completed by what day. Students who do not complete Home Learning, spend part of Friday lunch completing unsubmitted tasks. Secondary school is not far away and students will be expected to be on top of their own learning.